PL/SQL Full Course By Deepak Bishoyi YT

 PL/SQL Full Course By Deepak Bishoyi YT


1. PL/SQL Introduction:

  1. ·        Select ...... into Clause
  2. ·        Variable Attribute (%Type, %Rowtype)
  3. ·        Bind Variables
  4. ·        Conditional, Control Statements

2. Cursors:

  1. ·        Explicit cursor & Explicit cursor attributes
  2. ·        Explicit Cursor Life Cycle
  3. ·        Cursor ...... For Loop
  4. ·        Parameterized Cursor
  5. ·        Implicit Cursors &Implicit Cursor Attributes.
  6. ·        functions and expressions are used in explicit cursor
  7. ·        Update, and delete, statements are used in cursors (without using where the current of, for update clauses)

3. Exceptions:

  1. ·        Predefined Exceptions
  2. ·        User Defined Exceptions
  3. ·        'Unnamed Exceptions
  4. ·        Exception Propagation
  5. ·        Raise_Application_Error()
  6. ·        Error Trapping Functions (SQLCODE, SQLERRM)

4. Sub Programs:

  1. ·        Stored Procedures
  2. ·        Parameter Modes (In, Out, In Out)
  3. ·        No Copy compiler hint
  4. ·        Autonomous Transactions
  5. ·        Authid Current_User (Definer Rights)
  6. ·        Stored Functions
  7. ·        DML statements are used in functions
  8. ·        Select.....into clause used in functions
  9. ·        When to use procedure, when to use functions
  10. ·        Wm_concat

5. Packages:

  1. ·        Global Variables
  2. ·        Serially_Reusable Pragma
  3. ·        Overloading Procedures
  4. ·        Forward Declaration

6. Types Used In Packages:

  1. ·        PI/SQL Record
  2. ·        Index By Table(Or) P\/SQL Table(Or) Associative Array
  3. ·        Nested Table
  4. ·        Varray
  5. ·        Refcursor

7. Bulk Bind:

  1. ·        Bulk Collect Clause
  2. ·        Forall Statements
  3. ·        Indices Of Clause(10g)
  4. ·        Bulk Exceptions Handling Through Sql%Bulk_Exceptions
  5. ·        SQL%Bulk_Rowcount()

8. Ref Cursor:

  1. ·        Strong Ref Cursor
  2. ·        Weak Ref Cursor
  3. ·        Sys_Refcursor
  4. ·        Passing Sys_Refcursor as Parameter to the Stored Procedure.

9. Local Subprograms:

  1. ·        Local Procedures
  2. ·        Local Functions
  3. ·        Passing ref cursor as a parameter into the local subprograms

10. UTL_File Package:

11. SQL Loader:

  1. ·        Flat Files,
  2. ·        Control Files,
  3. ·        Bad Files,
  4. ·        Discard Files,
  5. ·        Log Files.

12. Triggers:

  1. ·        Row-level Triggers
  2. ·        Applications Of Row Level Trigger (Auto Increment Concept)
  3. ·        Trigger timing (before/ after)
  4. ·        Statement Level Triggers
  5. ·        Trigger Execution Order
  6. ·        Follows Clause (Oracle 11g)
  7. ·        Compound Triggers (Oracle 11g)
  8. ·        Mutating Error
  9. ·        System level Triggers (or) DDL Triggers

13. Avoiding Mutating Error Using Compound Trigger

14. DynamicSQL

15. Large Objects (Lobs):

  1. ·        Internal Large Objects (CLOE, BLOB)
  2. ·        ExtemalLarge Objects (BFILE)

16. Where "current of, "for an update of" clauses are used in explicit cursors.

17. Member Procedures, Member Functions

18. 11g Features, oracle 12c features

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