TOP Interview questions on DDL DML with code

 TOP Interview questions on DDL DML  with code

 Question : 

  1. I am altering a table and adding a column. Now I want to remove it. Can I do a rollback?
        A. / No, DDL is auto-commit, not required commit or rollback.

I have a table Test and that table has an id column. 

  •  Step 1: Inserted records with id = 1 
  •  Step 2: Inserted records with id = 2 
  •  Step 3: Create an Index on another table Test2 
  •  Step 4: Rollback;
How many records are in the table test as we did the rollback.?

A./  2 records as we inserted on Step 1 and Step 2. because in Step 3 we fired DDL and this is the property of a DDL command to do auto-commit of everything that happened before that DDL.

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